Good news! My International Field Experience is on for Summer (or Winter) 2022. The trip has been shortened and we will not get to work in a school like originally planned but it is going to be such an amazing opportunity to network with educators and administrators in Peru. Perhaps once travel restrictions are not necessary anymore I can schedule something on my own. There are some absolutely incredible adventures in the pipeline so stay tuned!

As of right now my guiding question for my Field Experience is, “What impacts will climate change have on the daily lives of Peruvians?” In my Earth Science course we discuss the impacts climate change will have for us and I get to hear the concerns my students have for their future. If we, as a society, are going to solve the major problems facing humankind we need to work together. We need all perspectives. What may work for us in rural New York might not work in California, or Vanuatu, or Peru. We need all stakeholders to come to the table. This isn’t a first world problem. I’m hoping that I can use this guiding question to build some partnerships where my students can work with students in Peru on solving problems that are common to both our communities.