There are a variety of standards, checklists, and other assorted documents to help teachers incorporate global learning into their classrooms.

Global Citizenship Guides

These guides are the foundation of great global citizenship. They outline the key principles of taking a global approach to teaching and learning, as well as practical guidance for embedding it into your lessons.

Global and Cultural Competency Framework

This framework provides an outline of the progression of the necessary skills a student would need to be globally competent as they proceed from elementary school through college.

World Savvy Matrix

This document lists the characteristics and abilities a student must have to be globally competent.

Checklist for Teaching Global Competence

Curriculum aligned to global education is more opened ended than a traditional curriculum. Even though it is open-ended it should meet several criteria to ensure it is meaningful and effective.

EdSteps Global Competence Matrices

These matrices provide details about the overall definition of Global Competence and how it might be demonstrated by students. There is one main matrix as well as matrices for six different content areas.